
More medical professionals take the plunge into aesthetics.
By hadassah wilson 27 Mar, 2023
More medical professionals are training in aesthetics as it pays more than their medical job. Be You medical group based in Leeds and Wetherby Yorkshire offer a professional training course for medic's, their course has been recognised as one of the best in the UK.
By hadassah wilson 27 Mar, 2023
Are you an aesthetics practitioner looking to expand your business and achieve new levels of success? If so, working with a business coach could be the answer to your problems. If you're looking for a coach with the knowledge, experience, and personalised approach necessary to help you succeed, look no further than Hadassah Wilson.
By hadassah wilson 27 Mar, 2023
A s June marks Acne Awareness Month, it's essential to shed light on effective solutions for tackling this common skin concern. Acne affects a significant number of adults, and finding effective treatments can be life-changing. We'll explore the benefits of retinol peels and how they can transform your skin's appearance. We'll also delve into the science behind retinol's effectiveness in improving acne, highlighting its role in reducing inflammation, redness, and bacteria while promoting cell turnover. Understanding the Glaring Results of Retinol Peel: Retinol peels are gaining recognition for their remarkable ability to rejuvenate the skin and combat acne-related issues. Specifically, a 6% retinol peel has shown impressive results in achieving a clearer, healthier complexion. By deeply exfoliating the skin and accelerating cell turnover, retinol works wonders in revitalising your skin's appearance. Retinol's Impact on Acne: Retinol, also known as vitamin A, boasts numerous benefits when it comes to addressing acne concerns. Firstly, its exfoliating properties help remove dead skin cells, unclogging pores and preventing future breakouts. This deep exfoliation aids in reducing inflammation, redness, and the presence of acne-causing bacteria on the skin's surface. Acne can affect everyone: Acne isn't solely a concern for teenagers; it affects many adults as well. In fact, according to statistics obtained and published by the NHS, about 95% of people aged 11 to 30 are affected by acne in some form and most people have acne on and off for several years before their symptoms start to improve as they get older. However, it is known that acne can continue into adult life. This staggering number emphasises the importance of effective solutions like retinol peels in combatting acne and regaining confidence in one's skin. Acne Awareness Month provides an excellent opportunity to explore effective treatments for this common skin condition. Retinol peels have emerged as a powerful solution for transforming your skin's appearance. By deeply exfoliating the skin, promoting cell turnover, and addressing inflammation, redness, and bacteria, retinol plays a significant role in improving active acne and preventing future breakouts. Embrace the opportunity to achieve a clearer, healthier complexion and regain your confidence.
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